Protecting earth's existing Edens

Greenpaw is part of UK registered charity Green Paw Project. Greenpaw was created as a platform for you, your family or your company to become carbon neutral and also help protect the planets oxygen system.

Navigating the urgent global climate challenge, Greenpaw stands out by embracing a holistic regeneration strategy. Beyond traditional carbon offsetting, they incorporate advanced sequestration metrics with initiatives that foster food security, robust rewilding, and socio-economic stability. Their meticulous grading system spans comprehensive areas, from carbon emissions mitigation to biodiversity conservation and community enrichment.

Every project within Greenpaws' regeneration portfolio undergoes this rigorous environmental and social impact assessment, underscoring their commitment to a more sustainable, transparent, and ecologically restorative future; positioning Tuned in Travel and its customers as pioneers in the realm of transformative sustainability and community upliftment.

Regenerating landscapes to thrive

It's vitally important that as humans, we collectively protect our planets life support systems, turn carbon into breathable oxygen and help the earth heal the best we can. Whilst facilitating the regeneration of lands to support biodiversity, and aiding local communities thrive.

What does the rise in Carbon Emissions (Co2e) levels mean to you & the planet?

Carbon levels in the atmosphere are exponentially rising. Co2e is the primary greenhouse gas. The rise in carbon is caused by many factors such as use of fossil fuels, agriculture, fast fashion, air travel and deforestation. Rising Co2e causes the planet to heat up and accelerate climate change.

To find out more about carbon offsetting and regeneration, Click Here.

Calculate your carbon footprint with Greenpaw.